
王 琼

王琼,女,1989年11月生,理学博士,讲师,2019年获辽宁大学分析化学专业博士学位。近年来,主要从事电/光电化学检测与催化降解等研究工作,针对环境中存在的有机污染物和生物小分子建立快速、灵敏的分析检测方法,设计高效、环保、可持续的催化降解方案。先后参与2项国家自然科学基金项目(NSFC51178212, NSFC51672116), 1项辽宁省自然基金项目 (NO:20180551203),获辽宁大学优秀研究生、辽宁大学优秀科研一等奖。2015年至今,在Chemical Engineering Journal,Journal of Hazardous Materials以及Sensors and Actuators B等SCI期刊发表论文15篇。



(1) Qiong Wang, Min Zhou, Lei Zhang, A dual mode photoelectrochemical sensor for nitrobenzene and L-cysteine based on 3D flower-like Cu2SnS3@SnS2 double interfacial heterojunction photoelectrode, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 382 (2020) 121026 (SCI一区TOP, IF: 7.65).

(2) Qiong Wang, Xianqi Wu, Lei Zhang, Designed of bifunctional Z-scheme CuSnO3@Cu2O heterojunctions film for photoelectrochemical catalytic reduction and ultrasensitive sensing nitrobenzene, Chemical Engineering Journal, 361 (2019) 398–407 (SCI一区TOP, IF: 8.355).

(3) Qiong Wang, Yang Wang, Zhenzhen Zhang, Yao Tong, Lei Zhang, Waxberry-like magnetic porous carbon composites prepared from a nickel-organic framework for solid-phase extraction of fluoroquinolones, Microchim Acta, 184 (2017) 4107–4115 (SCI二区, IF: 5.479).

(4) Qiong Wang, Danfeng Zhang, Lijun Yang, Lei Zhang, Constructed ILs@hollow porous spherical Ni-loaded CdFe2O4 modified electrode for highly sensitive simultaneous electrochemicalanalysis of bisphenols, Sensors and Actuators B, 246 (2017) 800–808 (SCI一区TOP, IF: 6.393).

(5) Qiong Wang, Jichun Yang, Yuanyuan Dong, Lei Zhang, One-step fabrication of a multifunctional magnetic nickel ferrite/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanohybrid-modified electrode for the determination of benomyl in food, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63 (2015) 4746−4753 (SCI一区TOP, IF: 3.571).

联系方式Email:joa0416@163.com  QQ:1129174794