

[1] Hong Song, Wei Guo, Menglin Liu, Jianhui Sun*. Performance of Microbial Fuel Cells in Degradation of Simulated Metronidazole Wastewater. Water Science and Technology 68(2013) 2599-2604.(if:1.197)
[2] Hong Song, Meilin He, Chuankun Gu, Dong Wei, Yuqi Liang, Junmei Yan, Changhai Wang*. Extraction Optimization, Purification, Antioxidant Activity, and Preliminary Structural Characterization of Crude Polysaccharide from an Arctic Chlorella sp. Polymers 10 (2018) 3.(if:2.935)
[3] Meilin He, Hong Song, Yi Zhang, Tong Wang, Shanmei Zou, Changhai Wang*. Comparative transcriptome analysis of wild type and an oleaginous mutant strain of Desmodesmus sp. reveals a unique reprogramming of lipid metabolism under high light. Journal of Applied Phycology 31 (2019) 2895–2910(if:2.401)
[4] Hong Song, Meilin He, TemesgenGebreluel, Shanmei Zou Changhai Wang*. Global transcriptomic analysis of an arctic Chlorella sp. reveals its eurythermal adaptivity mechanisms in response to temperature stress. Algal research 46(2020)101792.(if:3.723)
[5] Lin Han, Hong Song*,Licheng Fu, Jun Li, Lina Yang, He Liu* Effect of extraction method on the chemical profiles and bioactivities of soybean hull polysaccharides. Food science and nutrition, https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.2483 (if:2.863)